We are however not at such a point yet, and for all we know, such a future may not happen. But if we listen to what the "movers and shakers" say, and have said for a long time, we can see that it would be prudent to take any precautions to prevent such a scenario.
One very universal viewpoint of law, is that if one is presented with something one does not like, but do not say NO! or express ones disagreement or withhold ones consent, it is understood as agreement to what was presented.
Another maxim of law is that "Actions speak louder than words". So if you comply with the rules dreamed up by the people that act as government, department of justice, etc. then you are assumed to have given your consent.
However, assumptions and presumptions can be destroyed by simply expressing what one understands and agrees with, and not.
Put into the equation that the burden of proof rests on the one making a claim, such as "The law applies" and not the other way around, then one should preferably word anything in such a way that one does not have to prove things, but that any opponent that claims something must prove their claim.
So it is up to each one of us to stand up for our rights and get an agreement from those that want to bind us or enslave us, that they do not have the right to do so and that we do not agree with their presumptions and assumptions that we do agree to be ruled and bossed around by them.
For this reason I have made up a notice that I intend to sent to a few key players - letting them know where I stand with regard to myself, my body and my legal person, and if they do not agree with what I understand to be the way things are, to present me with proof that destroys my presumptions.
And if they cannot provide such proof, they agree that I am correct and they cannot do what they want to me and my possessions, no matter how many "laws" they dream up.
Here is the Notice. I have intentionally written it in a manner that is pretty conversant and relaxed, as I am speaking as the man that I am, and I am speaking to those of my fellow men that will receive this. The ones opening the mail, will probably not be educated in law or the inner workings of the system, so I am hoping I write in a way they can understand and thus get them to think about these issues themselves. If one understands something, one is less likely to write if off as nonsense, and throw it in the dustbin.
To: Each man, woman or juristic person who may be affected by the things brought up below.
Note: All words in this notice carry the meaning assigned by undersigned. No legal or statutory definitions may be assumed to apply. If something is not clear, please contact undersigned for clarification.
Since the UK Government have implemented exceptional measures aimed at limiting the spread of the pathogen claimed to re responsible for the Covid-19 condition, which appear to remove our Natural Rights that we are born with, I need some clarification, as well as make clear where I stand in relation to all this.
It is my understanding that:
I am a creation of Mother Nature or some other divine creator, which I do not fully know or understand. Man is one of the living organisms that has evolved on the Earth. Our creator gave us pretty free reigns as to where and how we live, and seem to let us be in charge of our own lives and destiny, as long as we live in harmony or balance with the other life forms with which we share this planet, as can be observed in Nature.
All men (Man: any member of mankind, whether male, female or a child) were created equal and in possession of inalienable natural rights, which no other man or group of men may remove. The only exception may be where someone has violated those same rights of his fellow Man, and thus has with his/her actions shown that he/she does not deserve the protection of these rights. This means that no man can be another man’s master and by the same token, no man can be another’s slave.
The Creator is senior to or superior to the Creation.
Fictions created by Man, such as man made laws, regulations, guidelines, governments, councils, corporations, trusts, EU, UN, WHO, IMF, commercial instruments, money, credit, and other such fictions, are of a lesser order than their creator – which is Man. Thus they can only apply to a living Man if that Man consents to them having power over him/her. Since this is such a basic and important thing, this consent need to be expressed and recorded, and cannot be assumed or construed.
Involuntary Servitude is no longer practised in today’s society. Only voluntary servitude is lawful.
If a man made fiction is meddled with, so that it no longer acts or serves in the manner it was first intended, the people who agreed to consent to it or obey it in the past, has the right to withdraw any and all consent, obedience and support from it.
Taking the above points into consideration, all interaction between different people, between people and legal/juristic persons and between legal/juristic persons of equal standing, must be knowing, voluntary and agreed upon, with no use of force, threat or blackmail.
A Man can give up his natural rights to some degree, by contract or agreement – such as in martial arts or boxing competitions, where the participants can practice certain violence against each other. But even there we have rules for what can and cannot be done and how one can give up, and thereby have the right to not be harmed any more.
Or when one enters into an employment and agrees to take a role subservient to other roles within, or the owner, of the company. But also there we do have a contract and terms for cancelling it. Also most such employer employee relationships involve an agreed amount of compensation in exchange for certain hours of performance or certain tasks being carried out. No compensation – no duty to perform.
If you, who are reading this, think that I am wrong in any of these understandings, please show me where and how I am wrong. I am writing this as the living natural man I am, and not in any fictional role or office within the fictions invented by man. Such as the juristic person MR KENT ERIK BENGTSSON who has the NI Number AB12345678C, or any other such fiction. Thus you cannot use any “law”, rules, statutes, etc. conceived by the minds of my fellow men. You may only use easily observable facts or laws of Nature.
If you cannot show any such indisputable facts that can be observed or demonstrated in the tangible universe, you agree that my my understandings above are true, correct and valid.
My Rights
As far as I can recall, I have not entered into any agreement or contract(s) where I with full knowledge of all relevant facts, commitments, terms and consequences, have willingly and voluntarily agreed to, whether as the living man I am or in the capacity of the juristic person MR KENT ERIK BENGTSSON, subjugate myself to any man made fiction, such as the UK Government, the Crown Corporation, Her Majesty the Queen, EU, UN, WHO, etc. etc. These are all of a lesser standing than a Man in that they are the products of the minds of men. I am a man in the tangible physical reality – they are fictions that only exists on paper and in the minds of men. They lack life and substance and can only exist as long as the real living people believe in them or grant them validity by believing in them or by using them or obeying the people who act in the capacity of these fictions.
If you think I am wrong here, please let me know when, where and how I was presented with all the facts and relevant information regarding my interaction with such entities and how I expressed my consent to be governed by them or perform for them without compensation or gave them free reign to make decisions for me and control what I may or may not do – as long as I cause no harm to my fellow man. Please also show me when, where and how I was given the information on how to break up this relationship, should I wish to do so. Please show this with my original signature and the signatory of the one acting for these fictions.
If this has not been done, and there are no express agreement or contract, that fulfils all the required components of a lawful contract, I do not see how I have any obligation to obey any Acts of Parliament or other rules within the legal/juristic persons of The United Kingdom, The Crown, EU, UN, WHO or any other similar constructs outside the physical realm – no matter if currently existing or future ones. This also removes any presumed or assumed rights these institutions believe they have with regard to doing anything at all to or with my body, no matter how such actions would be justified. The only exception would be in cases where I have cancelled my own rights by violating the rights of my fellow men, and done them actual intentional harm.
If you cannot show such agreements or contracts, then I have to conclude that I am in full possession of my Natural / God given rights, which I was born with. For example, the right to travel freely where I please on land, water or in the air. Or doing what I please with my own body and other property. And to form agreements or chose not to, with other people or juristic persons, such as corporations, municipal corporations, governments, and other organizations or entities, as I please and without interference or demands from any uninvited third party.
Regarding my legal person MR KENT ERIK BENGTSSON
Here is what is allegedly a quote from a judgement in the US from the late 1700’s. I include it here, not as proof of anything, but as it expresses the the order of things in a way that makes sense to me.
“a. "Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction,
and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other
artificial persons. The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance,
is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible. The
legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law,
agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than
corporate, artificial persons and the contracts between them."* S.C.R.
1795, **Penhallow v. Doane’s Administrators 3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall.
54;* and,
b. "the contracts between them" involve U.S. citizens, which are deemed as
Corporate Entities:
c. "Therefore, the U.S. citizens residing in one of the states of the union,
are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an
"individual entity"",* Wheeling Steel Corp. v. Fox, 298 U.S. 193, 80 L.Ed.
1143, 56 S.Ct. 773”
As I understand it, the legal person was created in an attempt to bring the free living people into the realm of man made fictions, where they could be construed to be holding a junior position and thus be considered liable to comply with all the internal policy of these fictions. To make people believe they are this legal person, the same name was given to it, as the name of the man or woman it represents, although the legal persons name seem to be mostly written in upper case letters, or with a title or number attached.
As living men cannot enter into the fictional world of corporations, trusts, body politics, associations, etc. (words on paper) any more than a living man can step into the world of a computer game, he or she needs an “avatar” to act in his place when using the fictions to conduct business or transactions in the realm of these fictions, just like one needs one to act in a computer game.
My legal person appears to be MR KENT ERIK BENGTSSON. The spelling is in upper case letters like the name on a headstone on a grave, maybe this is done to signify that it is a dead entity or maybe there is some other explanation. I will assume that in all correspondence received from any of the man made fictions, it is the legal person that is addressed, as the fictions cannot see their creator or something outside their boundaries. Which a living man or woman would be.
As most transactions today are done within the fictional realm, each man need to be given a legal person in order to interact with other men or with other legal fictions such as corporations, and this is listed as a human right in the UN declaration of human rights. “One has the right to be recognized as a person”. So if one has that right, the opposite must equally be true, that one has the right not to be recognized as a person.
We were not taught about these things in school or directed to places where we can learn about these things later in life, which at least appears deceptive, if not fraudulent. Instead we seem to be assumed, from the viewpoint of the people acting for the man made fictions, to always be acting as the legal person and always as men be in that role – which makes the man and the legal fiction more or less the same. But is that really so? How can it be so? From where I sit, it cannot be so.
In fact I very seldom act in the capacity of the legal person KENT ERIK BENGTSSON, but in most situation I am acting as the living man I am, who possess a set of inalienable natural rights, which no man, group of men and certainly no fiction have the authority to remove.
Again, if you believe I am wrong in my conclusions and understandings above, please show me where and how I am wrong, backed by indisputable facts that can be observed in the tangible physical reality, or in the form of a lawful contract. If you cannot do this, you agree that I am correct.
Based on the above, I assume that my legal person is a Trust, a Corporation or seen as an Office within one of the man made fictions. I find a Trust the most likely as there is no duty to inform a beneficiary of a Trust, about the details of the trust. I also assume that I, as a man, is seen as the beneficiary, the Fiduciary or the Trustee of this trust, depending on the situation and what the various public bodies that contact the Trust wants, as the situation may be. There being no mutually agreed upon contract or even Trust Indentures, they probably feel they can construe the roles to be what is of most benefit for them.
However, since this entity could not be created without me being born and without my parents registering my birth, I can only conclude that I am the Settlor/Trustor of this trust, since I am now of mature age, and have taken over the responsibility for it from my parents. As such I am the paramount interest holder and the one with the highest authority with regard to the legal person MR KENT ERIK BENGTSSON. It represents my value as a living man and my birthright and share of my country of birth (which most likely still resides in Sweden). I am also a beneficiary of this Trust, as I need it in order to conduct business through The United Kingdom and other such fictions.
As a Trust is not a Trust if all positions are held by one and the same individual, I can not see that I am the Trustee, as that would collapse the Trust. Thus I can only conclude that someone holding office within one of the man made fictions is the Trustee. Also to be the Trustee, I would need to be informed of the appointment, be aware of the rules of the Trust, be educated to manage a Trust, have accepted the appointment of Trustee and be compensated for my work as a Trustee. None of which has been done.
As the Settlor of this Trust, I require that I am fully informed as to the nature of and all relevant aspects of this Trust (if it is not a Trust, then please let me know what my legal person is and why). Full disclosure please. Please let me know where I can access this information. If you fail to do this, then I may express this trust and dictate the rules of the Trust, corporation or whatever juristic person it is.
I want to make it clear here that I only occasionally act in the capacity of the legal person MR KENT ERIK BENGTSSON. In most situations I am acting in my natural capacity as one of Mother Natures or Gods creations, acting in the tangible physical reality, unfettered by man made fictions and rules. If I travel on public roads or elsewhere, I am doing so as a man, even if I for my own and others safety follow most of the traffic regulations, and even if my car has a DVLA number plate.
If I am doing monetary transaction via the mechanisms within the man made fictions, I am of course acting as my legal person at that moment.
Furthermore, as involuntary servitude is no longer considered a lawful practice, I have the right to be compensated for all I do. This include the work I do for MR KENT ERIK BENGTSSON.
To my knowledge I have not agreed to act in the capacity of this legal person, without compensation. If I have done so in the past, it has been because I was not aware of the nature of myself, me legal person and the man made fictions and how they interact, since I was never informed of this.
Thus I hereby announce that from now on I will not act in this capacity any more, without first having an agreement in place as to how much I need to be paid for the actions I am asked to do. The price for this will vary depending on the task at hand. And since I have not been dealt with honourably in many interactions with various entities within the State, I require to be paid up front, before I will perform. No payment – no duty to perform.
I further assume that on the private side of my legal person there may be an estate that is managed for “my benefit” that has not been disclosed to me, and that there may be considerable wealth accumulated in my name there. I would like to get full disclosure regarding this. Reference the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666.
I am not holding my breath in wait for this to happen, but it should be said and I have now done so. It is my hope that you or someone appropriate will honour this request.
In conclusion
The above should pretty much cover what I can and cannot do as a man or when I act in the capacity of my legal person.
Others that have done similar notices, have often included long lists of things that they consider to be their rights – such as carrying weapons, own or use narcotics, grow, possess or use any herb or natural substance that may be considered illegal within the man made fictions in places, curing oneself with methods or substances that are not allowed to be used by people when they act in the capacity of their legal person, drive without a driving licence or safely exceed speed limits, etc. etc.
I will not do this, as I would probably forget some points, and I also believe that as a man I am free to go about my life and enjoy my property without interference from others, as long as I cause minimal harm to others and act in a responsible and considerate manner.
So for this reason, I require you, the State/Crown and any public or private organization that believes it has the right to regulate what I can and cannot do, to tell me what I as a living Man, and creation of Mother Nature / God, acting outside any man made fictions in the tangible physical reality, cannot do, if I do no, or minimal harm to my fellow man.
Please back your statement by facts that can be easily observed and understood in the tangible reality, away from anything fictional.
If you, or anyone you may forward this to, fails in providing such facts or evidence, you agree that my Natural Rights are whole and complete and are a part of me, that no man or group of men or their invented fictions, has any right to meddle with. You agree that my body is mine and I have the final say in what can be done to it. You further agree that no denial of rights or freedoms can be made to either me as a man or to my legal person as a result of me not wanting to do certain things to my body, such as future vaccination or chip implants.
I am looking forward to your complete and substantial reply to this notice, that will cover all points raised above. You have 30 days to provide this. If such a reply has not been received by me within 30 days of proof of mailing of this notice, then your silence will be understood as agreement with all that has been stated above.
Sincerely and without ill will.
Autograph:__________________________________________ Date:_______________________
Kent of the Bengtsson family, a living free sovereign man of this Earth. Settlor and main Beneficiary of the legal person / Trust MR KENT ERIK BENGTSSON
_ _ _ _ _
Then after 30 days if you have not had the kind of reply required, send a second a reminder and a copy of this again. Then a third reminder and then send them a "Notice of Estoppel" that explains that they have not responded in substance to the notice (meaning they have not answered any questions or provided the proof required) and in accordance with the terms presented they have now agreed that the things presented in the notice are correct and true, and that they now have no legal or lawful right to.......(as per what the now agreed notice).
Do all by at least signed for mail, so you have the post office as a witness. Get the label ahead of mailing from the post office, and take one of the small stickers from it and attach it to the notice, and attach the other small label to your own original. That way you have reference numbers for the matter and the post office as a kind of witness. Keep paper copies of everything in a file. Such as the printout from the signed for letters delivery from the PO website, as proof of delivery, etc. If you will have to use this in a court of law one day, you will look like an absolute fool, if you papers are not in order.
It might be a good idea to have your signing of the notice witnessed by two people who knows you, but are not family.
If you want to be even more thorough, find someone who is willing to be your "mail witness". This person would mail it for you and then sign a paper that s/he did it at so and so time and place, and there would be a stipulation in the notice that all responses will have to be mailed to that mail witness, who again will sign a paper that s/he received it at a certain date, and forwarded it to you.
Now it is not just your word and the Post Office tracking, but a third independent witness that attest to how things have been done. This latter is most likely an overkill.
I suggest you alter this notice to express your understandings in a way that you would say it, and of course add the addressee and sender, etc. And remove my names, numbers etc. or you will not seem at all competent and will be disregarded.
Will they reply. Most likely not. Or they will respond that this is some rubbish from the internet and they do not have to respond to things like this. Or the addressee will not respond, but some junior office worker will tell you to piss off. The possibilities are infinite.
If the response is not what you have requested, tell them so and that you regard what they responded with as a non-response, and give them the opportunity to respond properly.
Do all by at least signed for mail, so you have the post office as a witness. Get the label ahead of mailing from the post office, and take one of the small stickers from it and attach it to the notice, and attach the other small label to your own original. That way you have reference numbers for the matter and the post office as a kind of witness. Keep paper copies of everything in a file. Such as the printout from the signed for letters delivery from the PO website, as proof of delivery, etc. If you will have to use this in a court of law one day, you will look like an absolute fool, if you papers are not in order.
It might be a good idea to have your signing of the notice witnessed by two people who knows you, but are not family.
If you want to be even more thorough, find someone who is willing to be your "mail witness". This person would mail it for you and then sign a paper that s/he did it at so and so time and place, and there would be a stipulation in the notice that all responses will have to be mailed to that mail witness, who again will sign a paper that s/he received it at a certain date, and forwarded it to you.
Now it is not just your word and the Post Office tracking, but a third independent witness that attest to how things have been done. This latter is most likely an overkill.
I suggest you alter this notice to express your understandings in a way that you would say it, and of course add the addressee and sender, etc. And remove my names, numbers etc. or you will not seem at all competent and will be disregarded.
Will they reply. Most likely not. Or they will respond that this is some rubbish from the internet and they do not have to respond to things like this. Or the addressee will not respond, but some junior office worker will tell you to piss off. The possibilities are infinite.
If the response is not what you have requested, tell them so and that you regard what they responded with as a non-response, and give them the opportunity to respond properly.
Here is the cover letter I have sent to 3 men and women who hold positions of seniority in the UK Government. Note that it is addressed to them in their private capacity and not to the office they hold. As I do not write this as someone who is within their fiction (The UK) but as a living man to another living man.
Again, alter this to say things your way and according to your understanding. Note how I write addresses. The address is again a fiction within the greater fiction called the UK. So one should write it in such a way that one sets oneself as separate from it. I also boxed in the post code, as that separates it from the rest of the document in a legal sense.
"Kent of the
Bengtsson family,
a man.
Can be reached via:
My House, My Street,
My Town
[AB12 3CD]
To: The man Rishi Sunak, acting as: 20 August 2020
Lord Chancellor and
Secretary of State for Justice
c/o Ministry of Justice
102 Petty France
London [ SW1H 9AJ ]
Re: Attached Notice, for your information, consideration and response.
Dear Rishi,
Due to what appears to be attempts to set aside or circumvent each man’s, woman’s and child’s God given / Natural rights, that we all were born with (as can be seen in this ongoing lockdown and the talks of vaccinating the whole population for a disease that seem to have less than a half percent mortality in the general population) I have sent you the enclosed Notice, for you to inspect and respond to.
It states what I understand my rights as a man are, and if anyone does not agree I have these rights, it gives them the opportunity to prove that stance with facts.
I require that you or someone competent that you assign, will take the time to read the notice, and either acknowledge that I am correct in my assumptions, or to point out where I am wrong and how, backed by evidence that clearly show how I am wrong. No response will be interpreted as silent acquiescence, and agreement with my understandings of how things are.
You have a generous 30 days to respond in substance to the notice – after which, if no such response has been received you agree that my understandings expressed in the notice are correct and that no employees or agents of the UK Government or The Crown, has the right to interfere with those rights or put conditions on them.
Kent of the Bengtsson family, a living man of this Earth."
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Again this is just posted here as a guideline. Anything you send to anyone will be your communication and responsibility, so make sure you only do and say things you fully understand and can respond to if questioned.
Good luck and have fun with it.