I can not give full clarity in this here, but I would like to show
you that you have two sides that you might not be
aware of, or which you don't see as two separate things.
and foremost, you are a product of Mother Nature or some
kind of Divine Creator. We humans can not yet create life from the
elements and energy, such as Nature can. We can at best manipulate
Nature's creations. You were birthed by your mother as a result of
the reproductive process we have among mammals. You are a living
organism that exists in the real world, namely this Earth.
is the first aspect of you. Why not call this "Yourself"?
Yourself exists whether you have a name, an ID number, a birth
certificate, an address, a bank account, etc. You can touch your body
and feel and see that you are there. One can talk to you and
(hopefully) get an intelligent answer.

Your Person is a fiction, a construct, which only exists on paper (and
in your head). It is an artificial person or “juristic person”
(legal entity). No one can see or touch that Person. It
would be like trying to touch “Eskom" (Eskom is the company that used to provide cheap and plentiful electricity to South Africa. Now days it only provides intermittent electricity). Eskom is a legal entity
that exists only on paper. You can not talk to "Eskom"
direct, Eskom is an abstraction that lacks life, thought or creative
ability. If you want to speak with Eskom, you will be speaking to a
fellow man or woman, acting in a certain capacity within
the Eskom abstraction. Eskom comes to life thanks to the people who
are acting on behalf of Eskom. The Government is of course
also such an abstraction.

have been brought up by Big Brother to believe that we as people
created by nature and the artificial person, are one and the same
thing - that there is no distinction. But is it really so?
I went to school, I learned to write my name with a capital letter
first, and the rest in lower case letters, but if you look at your
driver's license or passport, your Person's name is in ALL
CAPITAL LETTERS - like the name of a ship or a corporation (a
vessel or fictional object). Your Person is a vessel on the “Sea of
do we have these two parts of us - a natural and an artificial?

how would our society function if everyone went around and did what
they wanted?
if all were responsible for themselves and their surroundings, it
would certainly work great, if we only had some basic agreements for
conduct. But how many people live on such a level of responsibility,
or even want that much freedom and responsibility? If we look around
us today, we see examples everywhere of irresponsibility, dependency
and abuse of power. Is man ready for this?
what better than to create something that seems to be a man,
but that is created wholly or partially by the State (The State is
another legal / artificial person) and which therefore can be
classified as a human creation (as opposed to a natural creation) and
ruled over by people. And even better, which can be seen as a
creation of the State, and because the Creator is superior to it's
creation, so this person falls under the State's power. People
created the State, so the State is of course thereby
subservient to the people – but we can “of course” not
let the masses understand that.
It also serves as a convenient vehicle within the fictional world of commerce, law, government, finance, etc. Through it we can easily buy stuff, get jobs in fictions like various corporations or start our own corporations, trusts etc. within the larger corporations of commerce and government.
It may even at one time have been created as a protection or "fire wall" so that we as living men and women would not be directly accosted by various individuals or agencies, but instead we would have our PERSON being targeted. A bit like someone has a Limited Liability Company to deal with a certain area of his commercial activities, so that he privately can have some value stashed away, in case it all goes tits up. Maybe we still can use it for that purpose.
It also serves as a convenient vehicle within the fictional world of commerce, law, government, finance, etc. Through it we can easily buy stuff, get jobs in fictions like various corporations or start our own corporations, trusts etc. within the larger corporations of commerce and government.

have almost perfected the picture here. But we still have the problem
of "Yourself". If you were created by Nature or some God,
are you not then free to choose how you interact with the State? Yes, but the government doesn't see it as its duty to inform
you of how things really are, and have no interest in forming
individual agreements with each living man or woman who lives in the
area where it conducts its business. So if we all get instilled in
us, from childhood, that we are our person and not ourselves and that
we must do as the State dictates, then it is easy to get us to enter
into various contracts which are presumed to have been entered into
voluntarily and knowingly by all – like applying for ID documents,
a driving license and passport describing us as a Person with the
name in capital letters and an ID number. Or, we fill in
and sign the forms that make us citizens, taxpayers, patients, etc. -
all within the framework of the artificial man-made State.
this was done voluntarily. No one twisted your arm behind your
back, and threatened to break it if we did not sign, or held a gun to
our head and threatened to kill us if we did not do want we were told
to do. If it was like that it would make the "contract"
invalid, because it is not a contract if it is not entered into
knowingly and voluntary. So we have no one but ourselves to blame if
we do not like the government we have today.

this would be quite OK, if the State really worked for the
good of the people and was there to provide certain services
and protection. No one would have very much against contributing to a
Government that acted for and on behalf of the people and who spent
their money frugally, to do so.
what do we have today? The Republic of South Africa in debt
to IMF. A large amount of peoples salaries goes to taxes of which I'm
sure a fair part goes to pay interest on that debt. We have a
monetary system that is designed to transfer value from the people to
the Banks and their owners. A few politicians live in absolute
luxury and wastefulness, while most of their people struggle to
survive. E-tolls are built and forced on the people at great expense,
and very little of the money collected actually goes to maintain the
roads. The public sector is a joke. Try to go into a Government
organisation and do anything but the simplest routine matter, and no
one knows how to deal with you or is willing to take responsibility.
People are waiting for ridiculous amounts of time just to get a
passport or an ID. Computers or other equipment is broken and is not getting fixed or replaced. Traffic cops seems to spend most of their day
soliciting cash donations. I could go on and on.

then, to step out of our role as "voluntary slaves" and
go back to being people of Nature instead and live according to our
own terms? Why support a system that is not supporting the
people supporting it?
you believe that we live in a great society, and that those in power
do an exceptionally good job, forget what you are reading here and go
back to your TV and your newspaper. There is then no need
to bother about this nonsense that I write about.
if you just find this a little bit interesting - even if it seems
strange and wrong, why not take some time and examine this a little
more. Who knows, you may find that you are far more powerful
that you ever imagined.
Here are two videos that may illustrate this more: "Meet your Strawman"
If you want a very good and very thorough explanation of this and much more on how everything has become legal fictions these days, get a drink and some popcorn and put your feet up for an hour to study this excellent video.
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