So I'm going to keep
repeating the main line running through this blog. Maybe if I say it
in different ways over and over again, it is easier to understand. I
know of course that many already understand, but we need to be many
more than we are today, if we are to get anywhere.
If there is one thing
we humans are good at, it's making things up. We get ideas and we
convince others of the value of these ideas. Ideas can be incredibly
powerful. They have changed history. They have created prosperity and
peace, and they have led people to slaughter each other like animals.
They have created new civilizations and they have brought down
But what all ideas have
in common is that they are a phenomenon of our minds. They only
exists in our heads.
These ideas can then
manifest in the tangible world, by our actions and what we create.
The idea that "it is best if we all drive on the same side of
the road" is an idea - the fact that we do so is a result of
this idea or this agreement. When many adopts a certain idea and act
in accordance with it, we have an agreement.
In the same way, I can
come up with an idea of how I would like to build a house. If a
house should results from this, this house would not be my idea - it
would be the physical result of it. Now you might very well yawn,
dear reader and say "For Gods sake, that's obvious. Don't you
have anything better to say? ".
But if I were to say
that "There is no other real law than the laws of Nature"
or "The Government does not exist in reality, it is only a
ghost in our minds." then there might be a different response.
"But if I break
the law, I can get arrested, convicted, fined or imprisoned, and that
is real. Therefore, the law must be real." No, the man (or
woman) acting as a police officer, the man who acts as a prosecutor,
the man who acts as judge and all the other people involved (usually
yourself included) are all acting with the same conviction or
agreement regarding a particular idea - for example that it is wrong
to strangle mother in law. The law that says that you shall not
murder, only exists on paper (which is the recording of an idea) and
in our minds. Most agree that it's best if we do not kill each other,
and therefore it was written down as a human agreement / law. But
this "law" has no physical traceability, unlike the Law of
Gravity or the Law of Cause and Effect. People actually kill each
other all the time, all around the world, so is not a Natural law.
Now I picked murder as an example here. It could just as easily been
income tax or TV license.

One can't see the wood
for all the trees, it is said. It is not easy to see anything other
than what you think you see. Whatever one is doing or is involved
with, is what is most real to oneself, for the time being. When I
first came to my regiment when I did my military service, I thought,
"These people are crazy." But after a few weeks, I stomped
in the line like everyone else, and played in their games (although I
might have been a little more of a rebel than most).
Now you can of course
say that "Reality is what we agree on, or regard as real"
and I suppose that is in a way true. What I mean when I say "real"
here is "A physical reality." Most agree that, that which
can be seen, touched and otherwise perceived, is more real that a
product of the mind alone.
But let's take a look
at how we as people arrange our lives and use fictions (ideas,
convictions, beliefs, agreements, etc.) in our daily lives and in
our interaction with each other.

The name is a fiction,
which was conceived so that we in our language (also a fiction) could
distinguish one from another. It is a symbol or label we carry
around. But we are not the label or symbol, neither in the form of a
sound combination or letter combination. We are who we are. We are
like a joker in a deck of cards - we can play any role in the game of
life - limited only by our own thoughts and considerations (and
perhaps some physical attributes and IQ).
If we were telepathic, we would not have to go through these unwieldy constructs - language and names. If we mastered telepathy fully, I would be able to convey all the images, sensations and feelings I wanted to a receiver. I would not have to say a person's name to make clear who I mean. I could convey how the person looks, smells, moves, thinks, laughs, and sounds. The recipient of my communication would have a much more accurate picture of who I meant than if I just said a name.
Right now, practically
everyone, sees the present society as something big, something
established, something firm, something very real and tangible. But is
it really so?

No one, or very few,
still believe in the old Nordic Gods, or that they are going to
Valhalla when they die. But not so long ago this was very real and
true for most Scandinavians.
Nor does the Persian
Empire exist today, or the Ming Dynasty. People stopped believing in
them long ago. The Romans Trading Empire is no more (some claim it
transformed itself into a religion, and continued to exercise it's
power through the Catholic Church, but this would in that case be a
newer "Empire" in a different form). It slowly fell apart
from within (those who previously believed in that idea and
agreement, stopped doing so) and it could not find enough "believers"
to keep it all together.
Today we have a society
in decay. It is approaching slowly but surely the point where enough
people will want to get rid of it, or at least drastically reform it.
Here are some points that I believe will lead to this:
- Over Taxation of the people and waste of public funds, or the use of the people's money to finance things that the people have no interest in or doesn't want to be part of.
- Stealing the people's common property by the State by selling land, mineral resources, etc. to private or foreign companies. One can not give away or sell what one does not own. The state is supposed to be a trustee of, not an owner of our nations resources.
Our public servants that we hired to take care of certain functions in our society starts to behave as if they are our bosses or slave-owners. Officials are acting as if their words and will are all the law that we have today. They decide how much we have to pay to a private company to drive on our own motorways that we already paid for and still pay for with petrol taxes. They fill Government Offices with staff that are not getting their jobs done, because computers and copy machines are broken for lack of money – but there always seems to be money to pay all these staff. We are treated like immature children without rights, responsibility or common sense.
We are moving rapidly towards a society where people are no longer needed, as machines can do what we do better and cheaper. We already have self-driving cars that have been tested for hundreds of thousands of miles in the United States. They do not get tired, they will not be distracted and they have less accidents. It is only a matter of time until most commercial traffic and a fair bit of private travel, will be managed by trucks, buses and cars that drive themselves. Factories populated by robots and maintenance staff. Nanotechnology and 3D printers will provide many essentials and gadgets in our homes and offices. The rich need us no longer as labour. Few things upset people so much as when they are not needed any more - especially if they can not earn a living any more.
- When the protection of the law and the principle that everyone has the same freedoms and rights and are equal before the "law" no longer seems to apply in practice, then the authorities, the police and judiciary becomes instruments of oppression, rather than a guarantee of justice.
- The monetary system is designed so that the debts, interest and turnover must grow all the time for the wheels to continue to go around. A small elite have manipulated things so that they now control the economy, and are earning obscene amounts while most are getting poorer today than they were ten or twenty years ago. This leads to an imbalance that can derail the whole society. Our money system today, where "money" is created by issuing loans, which must be paid with interest, which there is no money for, (as the money for the interest is not created) means that more and more loans need to be issued all the time. Mathematically, this means that our money system is designed to burst one day. That day is probably not far away.
The real power in today's world lays neither with the people or the governments they allegedly elect, but with those few that control world finance and trade. The IMF, Bank of International Settlements, The Crown Corporation of the City of London, The large Multinational Corporations, to mention some. They control the governments, the Courts, the National Banks, the making of laws, education, health care, media, the military, licencing, etc. They care not for the people of the World, but only for themselves and their owners.
I could go on, but I
think you can see what I mean.
When an idea, such as a
society no longer benefit the majority of its supporters, it will
soon be abandoned. Force it on people, and it will end very
What I want to make
people realize is that everything we have in the form of organization
of society, is nothing more than ideas. These ideas have no physical
presence. They exist only in our heads and in writings on paper or in
computers. Therefore, they do not exist without us and our consent.

Freedom begins, like
everything else, with an idea. The idea that you are your own master,
and no one else is so. Now you can act according to that idea and
start taking control of your life and try to find other like-minded
people and get a "freedom ball" rolling, or you can choose
to remain a voluntary slave, to people who neither deserve or are
entitled to our submission . We all have different circumstances. But
if no one is throwing off its chains, it will not get any better. And
if one day you find yourself powerless and controlled like a machine,
remember that once you had the choice to not let it go there.
I hope you will come with
us, and begin to learn how you can cut the shackles you and your
parents put on your legs. It starts with seeing the difference
between reality and thoughts and to realize what and who you are.
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