I have written a bit in
this blog about how we have two sides to us. One which really is us -
a living man or woman (hereafter I will use “man” to mean a
member of mankind, which includes women) who can do all sorts of
things - which can be seen and touched, and an artificial Person
who exists only on paper and in the man-made fantasy world that only
resembles reality, and which only contains things dreamed up by man,
which we hopefully agree with.
One could illustrate
this by mentioning the laws that say what you can and cannot do in
traffic. The laws exist only on paper. They have no basis in reality.
They are dreamed up by people. When people later act in accordance
with these laws on our physical roads, this is then something that
takes place in the physical reality. The law is a theory, the
practising of it, is a real action.
Your passport, driving
license, ID card, etc. are all papers that identifies your artificial
"Person", and connects you to it. Since your "Person"
has a name that seems to be the same as your name, most people think
the artificial person and they are one and the same thing. But if you
think about this a little bit, I think you will realize, this is not
the case.
I listened once to an
interesting program about children who had been taken care of by
animals. One case was a girl born to drunken parents in Russia. One
day she crawled away and was adopted by some wolves and lived with
them until the age of 4. As a wolf-child she had no name or social
security number. She could not talk, but probably understood the
wolves' language. She was a human being but not a person (perhaps
there was a name of a missing person somewhere in some archives - but
as long as she lived in the wild with her wolves there was no
I do not want to be
seen as a person within the artificial society, but rather as a
living, breathing man of nature, which only temporarily parttake in
the game which takes place within the artificial world of credit,
commerce, documents, titles, laws and regulations, etc. - when I
choose to do so. I realized that Dean Clifford was right when he
said, "If you show an ID card issued by the government, you
therefore acknowledge that you exist and operate within that
artificial world and all its laws and regulations apply to you."
Therefore, I got this
idea to create my own Identity Document. I have a paper like the
section below, in the car, or which I take with me to court hearings,
to assert my special position, if I feel the need to. I do not take
it to the tax office, or when I go to open a bank account - because
then I am acting as my Person within their system and can
only be seen as a "Person".
And when I write to
authorities or companies trying to blackmail me into giving up some
cash, I often include a copy, to make clear that I am addressing them
as the man I am and do not subject myself to their supposed
I have used the ID below mainly in correspondence in the UK, but also in one interaction with the police and in Courts. It has been seen by lawyers, Clerks of Courts, Judges and various police officers. Not one has ever challenged it or the data in it. Some has commented on it, but most prefer to ignore it. They ignore it because they are acting within the realm of fiction, and this document asserts my standing and rights, with me standing outside their world.
I have used the ID below mainly in correspondence in the UK, but also in one interaction with the police and in Courts. It has been seen by lawyers, Clerks of Courts, Judges and various police officers. Not one has ever challenged it or the data in it. Some has commented on it, but most prefer to ignore it. They ignore it because they are acting within the realm of fiction, and this document asserts my standing and rights, with me standing outside their world.
Here is my own ID
documents. A little longer than an ID card, because I do not want any
unexpressed assumptions in the picture:
words carry the meaning assigned by undersigned.
I am an immortal spirit who is present on the Earth and in the realm
of the tangible through a male body of the species Homo Sapiens.
I am “Me” as defined above. I am not a name. I am not my body. I
am not anything man made.
body is the product of Life/Nature/God. Allegedly birthed by my
mother the 30th
day of March 1956 in a taxi somewhere north of Gothenburg in Sweden.
My mothers name is Lizzy and my fathers name is Bengt. Them as well
as me, are of the family line that bears the name “Bengtsson”.
The name my parents gave me was Kent, and as a backup Erik.
These names are not to be confused with the name of the Legal
Fiction/Corporation/Trust/Juristic Person Mr. Kent Bengtsson, KENT
ERIK BENGTSSON, Mr. K. BENGTSSON, or any other name, spelling or
capitalization variation thereof. It is my understanding that I am
the chief creator of that entity and the one with the paramount
interest in same – the Settlor & co-Beneficiary, or Main
Shareholder, depending on the law form it is seen in.
As a man created by Nature and acting in the realm of the tangible
Universe, I recognize no power superior to me, other than which
created me.
Since I was not created by any man (Man: A member of the Human Race,
no matter what sex or race) or man made group, I do not recognize any
man or man made fiction (such as man made Law, a Government or any
International Organization, such as the European Union or United
Nations) to have any authority over me (except by express agreement)
as long as I do no harm and respect the natural rights of my fellow
man. Nor am I aware of having entered into any agreement, willingly,
voluntarily and knowingly, with any man or such a fictitious entity,
to be subject to his or it's asserted authority, rules or laws at all
If you claim authority over me, please produce proof of claim or a
damaged party (in the form of another fellow man) that I have harmed
through my action or inaction, for whom you are acting.
If you have a claim against the Legal Fiction/Corporation/Trust MR
KENT BENGTSSON, please provide proof that I was involved in the
action that led to the charge and that I acted as this legal entity
at the time of the alleged offence, and not in my sovereign capacity
as a living man.
If you violate my natural inalienable human rights without producing
proof of claim or an injured party, you are causing me harm, and may
be dealt with accordingly.
I seek to live in peace and balance with my fellow man and other life
forms with whom I share this Earth.
As a creature of this Earth, I understand it is my right to travel
this Earth freely, whether on land, water or in the air, by any mode
of transport I chose, as long as I do no or minimal harm to my fellow
creatures of this Earth. I do not see how any man made fictitious
entity, such as a Government, has any right to interfere with my
right to roam the Earth, and believe no such right exists.
Please Turn Over
is a picture of the face of my body: This is my body's right thumb
print, made in it's blood:
No permission is granted to extract DNA
from this blood.
These are samples of how I may sign
my autograph:
The above is true according to my understanding at the time of
autographing this Declaration.
Sworn and autographed under my own private unlimited liability, this
________ day of _______ 2016 (Two Thousand and Sixteen, AD) :
Before these two witnesses, who knows me:
- - - - - - - - - - -
You may copy this document in order to make your own, if you like. Just make sure you delete all data that are referring to me or my person. Feel free to alter it to suit your beliefs and views of the world.
And last, as well as least,
and for no particular reason,
some music:
7 kommentarer:
Hi Kent, just came across this today... very interesting, just wondering if it works / has worked and if you might be interested in sharing your knowledge of the above declaration with a worldwide audience on our radio show? regards Steven
Hi Steven,
You did not leave any link or contact details. Please let me know. I would not mind talking about this, although I'm far from the most knowledgeable or any big "Guru" in this field.
Whether it works, or not, depends very much on oneself and ones settings of the personal "BS filter".
I use this mainly when I am not interested in appearing or acting as the juristic person, State issued IDs identify.
Hi, how do you get around not paying for car rego & drivers license & such ?
I have personally not bothered, as I do not see much gain for lots of work and potential harassment. Two times out of three, one can usually come to some kind of agreement with the SA traffic cops anyway.
Regarding the Car registration and drivers licence.
You may not like this answer, but in my opinion, you will have to continue studying things like this for a while, as if you cannot think up how to do that, you may end yourself in some trouble otherwise.
A good place to start is the page in the tabs at the top of the Blogg called "Educate Yourself".
When I stayed in SA recently I found most traffic cops were open to negotiations regarding traffic matters and would often let one leave after a philosophical discussion or maybe with a small donation towards their "lunch fund". So in my opinion, no need to worry about this all.
Hi Kent! This just got me thinking and please excuse in advance my lack of knowledge of the Law but: Once somebody declares themselves as sovereign by not agreeing to represent their fictitious person... Would they then be like a foreign body on a land claimed by a kingdom or corporation (depending on which part of the world)? And wouldn't they have to make their presence and business known to the King/Queen or CEO so to avoid being mistaken for a trespassing intruder?
In a way is like, since I am free to roam this Earth and I mean no harm, I can just walk through my neighbour's lawn without their permission?
Hi Iluzziona,
I would say it is the other way around.
We the living people are standing on the land or in the tangible reality. The Corporate state and it's subsidiaries (corporations, Trusts, municipalities, etc.) are all fictions and do not exist in the tangible universe, but only exist in the minds of men and on paper. Thus they are actually of a lower order than us the living 3D physical beings.
I would say that an Amoeba in a drop of water is of a higher order than the fictions of man, as the Amoeba can move and propagate on it's own, while the fictions are dead and can only do something if we do the acting for them.
They are by definition foreign entities, while we are the original inhabitants.
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