This may at first
glance seem like a stupid question. Of course, we all know what South
Africa is, it is marked out on all maps.
But once we start
thinking a bit deeper about this, is the answer that simple? What
REALLY is “The Republic of South Africa”???
Is it a land mass with
its territorial waters, or is it something else?
If you were a tern
flying between the South Atlantic and the North Atlantic in your
annual migration patterns, would you be aware that you were over a
certain country at different times during your move, or would you
just see the land and the sea below you? If you were an Eagle who
lived north of Upington, would you know that at times you flew over
Namibia and other times over Botswana?
I think we can all
agree that a country is a human concept, without manifestation in
Before we had the
political countries we have today, people lived in groups, with
different traditions and perhaps different languages, and if they
lived in peace with the surrounding similar groups, they would like
some predator have their turf, which they saw as their land. But
there were also people who lived completely nomadic, moving over
large unpopulated areas and only moved on when the lack of food or
wanderlust drove them on.
I have no desire to go
into detail on how we came to have what we today call countries. The fact
is that we now have a country we call South Africa. But the land
itself has been here a lot longer than the human concept “South
Africa” and most likely will still be here long after mankind has
passed into oblivion. Maybe one day there will be just one Government
for the whole planet. Then too, South Africa will be gone, or just
seen as a province.
What I want to show
here is that South Africa is not so much a land mass as an idea
commonly held by a group of people.

We sometimes hear
politicians say things like "In this society," or "our
modern society".
The dictionary defines
"society" as: "A group of individuals standing in
mutual, voluntary, often regulated relationships to each other and
acting in the common interest of all members". So does it not
seem like South Africa, is more a society, rather than a land mass?
The Dictionary says the
word "Country" means:
A: A nation or State.
B: The territory of a
nation or state, land.
C: The people of a
nation or state. .
So, it is not so much
the land mass as such, but the claim a group is making upon it, which
makes up one aspect of a country. To find a comparison in the
animal kingdom, the land mass a pride of lions considers its
territory, has nothing to do with a pack of wild dogs territory -
even if they overlap. Their territory is the only relevant when it
comes to other lions or wild dogs. And these animals are not
concerned about what we humans consider to be our “territories”
(unless we put up a fence they cannot pass).
So, if a nation is
basically an idea or thought that is held in common by a group of
people, is it not a kind of imaginary thing, created by the human
mind? If South Africa is a society as defined above, can you not then
leave this society if you would like, without leaving the land mass?

We could create a
better society outside of or separate from, what we call the
Republic of South Africa. We can create our own currency, which is
based on real value, and not like the Rand, created through loans
where the money for the interest is not created (which means more and
more money must be borrowed all the time - until the bubble one day
burst) . We can create our own laws which are simple and sensible
enough for everyone to understand. We can do better ourselves! "
If a large enough group
decided to do this, it could work, because in the group we would have
all the skills and professions represented in order to have our own
exchange systems / currency and all goods and services could be
provided within our own “alternative South Africa”. The rest of
the population would then have two societies to choose from and if
ours is perceived as better by most, it would soon become the
dominant society.
This may work in a
place like this. South Africans are used to make a plan and find
solutions one way or another, when those who should really do the job
will not do it. Maybe if this started in smaller towns (Like the
Ubuntu Party idea) where people all contribute a few hours per week
in exchange for electricity, water, sewage, roads, etc. If that
worked it could build on from there.
If we were to compare
the Republic of South Africa with a company, say, Coca Cola South
Africa. If you worked for this company, you would be expected to
follow all the rules that apply within the company, when you are at
work! When you do the gardening or are taking a walk with the dog,
the rules of Coca Cola's has nothing to do with you, for you are
not now an employee holding a position and who gets paid for what you
do. You are a private man or woman (I try to avoid the word "person"
as it has legal meanings of something else than a living being, but
rather a role or capacity played out within the fiction of REPUBLIC
If you went around at
the headquarters of Coca Cola South Africa, you might see a map
somewhere, with the same boundaries as the country of South Africa
claims, and with local sales districts plotted in different colours.
Does that means that Coca Cola South Africa owns the land that is
marked on the map? No, it means that in these lands, we sell the
drink Coca Cola. Perhaps for practical reasons Swaziland and Lesotho
could be on the Coca Cola South Africa map too. It is simply a map
that is used internally to describe the area in which the company

Here is something of local origin, where it is mentioned that South Africa is a corporation.
This from Thuli Madonsela:- One of her most important findings reads: ‘It is my considered view that the president, as the head of South Africa Incorporated, was wearing two hats, that of the ultimate guardian of the resources of the people of South Africa and that of being a beneficiary of public privileges of some of the guardians of public power and state resources, but failed to discharge his responsibilities in terms of the latter.’
Here is what is allegedly excerpts from US Court Rulings in the past, showing our relationship with the State:
a. "Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction,
and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other
artificial persons. The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance,
is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible. The
legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law,
agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than
corporate, artificial persons and the contracts between them."* S.C.R.
1795, **Penhallow v. Doane’s Administrators 3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall.
54;* and,
b. "the contracts between them" involve U.S. citizens, which are deemed as
Corporate Entities:
c. "Therefore, the U.S. citizens residing in one of the states of the union,
are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an
"individual entity"",* Wheeling Steel Corp. v. Fox, 298 U.S. 193, 80 L.Ed.
1143, 56 S.Ct. 773

There is both good and bad with this system. The purpose of this article is more to educate about these matters than to judge the system. Whether a system is good or bad mostly depends on the intentions and actions of the people who control it. We could have an utopian society, with the same system if it was run by people that had the good of all in mind.
When it comes to the
internal rules and regulations of the company REPUBLIC OF SOUTH
AFRICA, one could easily get the idea that the board of this company
tries to get us to believe that we are always on the job and that we
at all times, wherever we are, are acting as employees or agents of
the company, so that the internal rules that apply in the fiction
REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA now always apply in our lives and to
whatever we do.
But how can that be?
Were we not created by nature, by God (or, as some scientists seem to
believe - by a lightning strike in a mud puddle at one time) or
whatever it may have been that created the universe and life therein.
Didn't people (like you and me) create our nations and societies? How
can we in this case be completely devoured by our own creation, to
the point that we are constantly in it and must always be subject to
But ask yourself this -
if I am seen to hold a position within the company REPUBLIC OF SOUTH
AFRICA, where's my salary? If we have to do things without
compensation, are we then not slaves? Is not slavery prohibited? Has
SOUTH AFRICA not signed the United Nations Declaration of Human
Rights, where slavery is a crime against human rights? If we are not
slaves, how can anyone or anything to be our master? How can we be
anything other than in utter possession of our bodies and our lives,
if we are not slaves?
The only other possibility is that we out of our own free will gave up our sovereignty and agreed to do all kinds of things for free for the “juristic person” SOUTH AFRICA and allowed it to fine us when we did not follow all it's crazy rules and regulations (even if our “transgression” did not cause any harm to anyone or anything). The only problem with that is that for that to have happened lawfully we needed to be fully aware of what we did and all the consequences such a decision would have. If that was the case, one should be able to tell When, Where, How and Why such a decision was taken. Can you answer that?
So, if the REPUBLIC OF
SOUTH AFRICA is man made fiction that only exists in thought and
words and which is supposed to serve us in certain situations or
activities, should it not be a very small part of us and our lives?
If you and I sit and talk, it only involves the two of us, and no one
else - right? If I help you fix your car as a favour because you
helped me with the computer earlier, is it not a private deal between
the two of us? But say that I have done more for you than you have
done for me, and you ask if I want something for helping to fix the
car, and I said, "If you want you can give me a couple of
hundred Rands." Then the company called SOUTH AFRICA might be
able to say "AHA !!! You use the medium of exchange in force in
SOUTH AFRICA, therefore you are seen to be acting within SOUTH AFRICA
- so you must comply with all laws and regulations applicable within
the corporation the REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA and pay a certain
percentage of the transaction to the REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA for the
privilege of conducting business in SOUTH AFRICA (tax ). In addition,
as the car is registered in the REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA and thus
partly owned by SOUTH AFRICA (you have access rights, but not full
ownership - more about this in other sections) the car falls within
the jurisdiction of the SOUTH AFRICAN corporation.

So if we are not acting
in the capacity of our person, but manage ourselves in our private
lives, then the legal fiction SOUTH AFRICA cannot argue that we must
follow all it's idiotic laws, rules and regulations at all times day
and night.

But what we have today
in the corporation of SOUTH AFRICA and most other companies that call
themselves nations, are millions of rules about everything between Heaven and Earth, which are too many for any single individual to be
able to memorise even a fraction of. And you can be forgiven for
getting the impression that a lot of these regulations are made to
create income opportunities for the SOUTH AFRICAN corporation and its
subsidiaries, (municipalities, courts, police, etc.).
I think it is important that we are aware of these things. If you do not understand how something works, you can't do much about it. If you know how cars or computers work, you can fix them yourself if you want. If we know how society works then we can fix it too.
I think it is important that we are aware of these things. If you do not understand how something works, you can't do much about it. If you know how cars or computers work, you can fix them yourself if you want. If we know how society works then we can fix it too.
I came to the
conclusion some years ago, that if no one says STOP, then within a
few generations we have people being totally enslaved - with less
freedom than the slaves in the Roman Empire or in the cotton fields
in the Southern States before slavery was abolished. Since then I
have been looking for answers and solutions. I have come a long way,
but still have a long way to go. I just want this to share with you
what I learned so far.
That's all for this
time. See below on SOUTH AFRICA as a corporation.
I am sure many reader
have said to themselves as they read the above “But South Africa is
not a corporation!”
Here are two links to
pages on the US Securities and Exchange Commissions website, showing
REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA listed as a company. What does this mean –
why not do some research yourself. Other articles in this blog
touches on this and some of the links on the “Conspiracy” page.
20008021 464 6100
REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA (Filer) CIK: 0000932419 (see all company filings)
Here is a video for those who want to research the statements in it. If the Crown of the City of London is a Corporation, chances are that the "Nations" serving under it are too...
Here is an excellent little video that says in a clear and simple way much of what I try to point out above. Well worth a few minutes of your life. Stefan Molyneux, Words:
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